Shankara Karunakara mantra

Shankara Karunakara Jagdeeshwara Parmeshwara

This is a beautiful slow mantra, which can be sung quite meditative. ALthough, in a Bhakti style it can also be sung in a more eleated version, accompanied by percussion instruments.

The meaning of the Shankara mantra is:

I praise you Lord Shiva, the destroyer of all doubts, who is pure compassion and joy.

You are the Highest, the Lord of the whole universe.

Shiva is also known under the descriptive name ‘Shankara’. Shankara is based on two words: “shanka” and “hara”.  “Shanka” means doubt and “hara” means dispeller or destroyer. So the description is Shiva as destroyer of all evil things, including emotional states as ‘doubt’.

Karunakara means he which is a mine of compassion.

“Jagdeeshwara” refers to the entire universe, as described by “Karunamaya” (the one with kindness), “Jagatkarana”, the cause of creation (“Jagat” is wold).

Paraméshwara  is often used to refer to Shiva. Parameshwara stands for the ultimate reality and nothing exists that is not one with it.

This is one of the Mantra’s sung in a meditative way at the Quinta Quixote by the Mantra-duo Aranka& Shunyam during sound-healing sessions.

Hereunder the chords of this Mantra!

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